How to Find Affordable Mobile App Developers?

How to Find Affordable Mobile App Developers?

By the end of 2024, the download count of apps will cross over 299 billion. Surprisingly it’s over a 20% increase from three years ago. Several businesses are taking benefit of it! It seems like multinational organizations invested both capital and time to create their app. But frankly speaking, building an app is not an easy task. With so many mobile apps already launched, it’s crucial to choose dedicated developers. Here is a complete guide for you about all the necessary points of Affordable Mobile App Developers in 2024.

A team of experienced developers can offer top-notch solutions and help you to release high-quality applications. Here we’ll explore ways to hire professional developers without breaking the bank. Whether you’re a start-up with a smaller budget or a business that aims to handle expenses, this guide will help you choose an affordable mobile app development company.

Join us on this journey to make your app vision without overspending!

Benefits of Hiring Mobile App Developers

Benefits of Hiring Mobile App Developers

Budget-Friendly Solutions

Choosing a traditional development company may involve high costs. This includes the cost of training and legal fees. Nowadays, freelancers or remote app development companies provide cost-effective solutions and top-quality work.

They arrange skilled developers who work dedicatedly on your project and deliver it within the given timeframe.  Firstly, they identify your and your project’s requirements and then offer great solutions accordingly.  The reliable company assigns a team per your budget, which makes hiring hassle-free and cuts costs.


Partnering with affordable mobile app developers offers flexibility and makes communication more transparent. Doesn’t matter, if you have started a new business or are the owner of a large-scale organization, this flexibility leads to effective management. Just call us today to build a successful and feature-loaded app.

Focused and Dedicated

Hiring experienced developers who have expertise in the related field can work efficiently on your project. It’s important that professionals should understand your project through insight. They should remain focused on business requirements and streamline the development procedure.


If you’re going to choose a hybrid app development company, you keep control over choosing, managing, and evaluating the team. This method ranges the advantages of having your own team with the ease of assigning tasks to team manager.

Complete Range of Services

You may use services like custom app development services, testing, and intuitive design. Hiring dedicated software developers, backup and migration, and post-deployment maintenance for an affordable IT solution to maximize your return on investment.

Affordable Mobile App Developers

Global Talent Pool

Want to enhance your tech stack? Just hire affordable mobile app developers who allow you to access global talent. They also ensure you to provide high-quality solutions and effective collaboration with your IT team.


When you choose outsourced developers, they provide the flexibility and agility that businesses need. Dedicated developers bring their expertise to different projects. For start-ups, hiring an experienced team is a great option in terms of accuracy and adaptability while keeping control and financial stability.

What Are the Challenges When You Hire Mobile App Developers?

What Are the Challenges When You Hire Mobile App Developers?

Choosing the right development for your project can be a little challenging. Here are some common obstacles to watch out for:-

Time-zone differences

IT companies often go through the challenge of hiring mobile developers due to differences in time zones. This leads to remote teams being unavailable which causes the project delays. To handle this, IT firms use communication tools such as Slack and Teams and project management tools like Trello and Jira. This needs to keep the remote team members updated and waiting for their response to tasks and messages.

Cultural differences

Several businesses in the US and Europe outsource their mobile developers to places like India, China, Eastern Europe, Israel, and South Asian China. However, the distance can lead to cultural differences. These differences vary in cultural norms and holidays that can impact the company’s operation and customer’s requirements.

Lack of in-person communication

Have you decided to hire mobile developers from another country? It might create a communication gap.  It’s tough to see the work in progress or give quick feedback when developers are working actively on your project. The language barrier can make communication difficult but this problem can be managed effectively by local developers.


If you decide to create your mobile app then identifying the budget is also a serious concern for all sizes of companies. It’s the main factor that prevents entrepreneurs from selecting the top mobile app development company. The cost of hiring developers depends on various factors like complexity and features.

For apps with advanced features, you need to hire experienced developers.  Experienced teams are generally more expensive. For smaller tasks or quick updates, hiring freelancers might be an affordable option. However, you should know your budget and hiring module. Affordable mobile app developers from India may offer lower rates as compared to developers from the United States.

How To Hire App Developers in 7 Steps?

How To Hire Affordable Mobile App Developers in 7 Steps?

Wondering about hiring affordable mobile app developers? This can be a tough decision for you! If you don’t know how to begin then below step-by-step procedure to find the right developers.

Step 1. Define your project requirements

Before selecting affordable mobile app developers, take a break or think about your project requirements. You should be clear about your business needs. Also, imagine what your future product appear like. Business owners should also consider the features and which platform the app will run on (such as Android, IOS, and both). After this, set your budget for how much you can afford for development.

Step 2. Decide on the Partnership Model]

You have three model options for finding an affordable mobile app development team for your project i.e. freelance, outsourcing, and in-house developers.

  • Freelance

One of the major benefits of choosing a freelance model is that owners don’t need to pay for vacation days or social security. Moreover, the lower cost can also be a downside due to some freelance developers might not have the skills for big projects.

In case, you’re doing small projects within less budget under $10,000 then just go for the freelance module.

Some benefits of hiring freelancers are:- 

  • No need to provide equipment
  • Access to global talent
  • Flexible employment terms
  • Outsourcing

Hire app developers on a contract basis or use outsourced developers usually cheaper than maintaining an in-house team. This model avoids the costs of hiring and firing employees.

Moreover, it’s flexible and scalable, so you can conveniently adjust the team size to match the project needs. Thereby, you can save resources in the long run. Some of the benefits of the Outsourcing model are:-

  • Bring fresh ideas and perspectives to your project.
  • Time flexibility to focus on your business.
  • Reduced costs for hiring and training.
  • Work with freelancers and contractors.
  • Access to experts globally
  • Hire a team with specialized skills
  • In-house developers

The usual approach is to hire an app developer as part of your team. If you already have a team then you can fill any gaps by interviewing candidates. In a house, developers are the best option for choosing the right people and integrating them to start working with current team members. However, hiring in-house can be expensive.

You’ll need to provide workplaces and accommodations or spend money on hiring and onboarding. Also, you need to cover things like medical insurance and taxes. Well, everything that the government requires in your region. A few of the advantages of hiring In-house developers are:-

  • The employee adapts to the company’s culture
  • Increased input and engagement
  • The employee’s full dedication
  • Greater understanding of the company’s development procedure.

Step 3. Research and Shortlist Candidates

Now, it’s the time to get your affordable mobile app developers. Instead of posting ads you can use online resources to hire the perfect match for your project. Here is how you can find the right developer’s team:-

  • Use online platforms like Upwork, Clutch, and Toptal to browse reliable app development companies. Choose the one that meets your expectations by reading reviews, viewing portfolios, and ratings.
  • Leverage your network by asking for advice and recommendations on trustworthy developers.
  • Take your time to carefully review the team’s portfolio and expertise to find the best fit.

Step 4. Asses Skills and Availability

Now you have shortlisted teams, it’s time to focus on their tech skills, problem-solving procedures, and communication. To make an informed decision, make sure to follow the below steps:-

  • Conduct interviews and meet potential candidates in person to know their skills
  • Also, discuss their approaches and understand how developers tackle projects, communicate, and meet business requirements.
  • Ask them about their work ethics and how they’ll work on your project.

Note: – at eBizneeds, we’re proud of our work procedure and understanding of our client’s project. Our clients share their feedback about our services on platforms like Clutch.

Step 5. Sign the Contract and Make Sure All is set for Work

If you decide on the team, ensure that all the paperwork is completed. A contract and non-disclosure agreement (NDA) should be done. When signing these, make sure the documents include:-

  • The score of the project
  • Payment information
  • Ownership of intellectual property
  • Type of partnership (fixed price, dedicated team, or time & materials)
  • Project timeframe

Step 6. Make Your Objective Clear

At this stage, development begins! If you’ve hired a mobile app development company that manages communication and project management, then your role becomes easy. Now you need to focus on growing your business. However, there are a few important steps to ensure effective product development:-

  • Tell your requirements to the team
  • Clearly state your goals and objective
  • Set up communication channels
  • Outline your expectation
  • Provide all relevant documents and information you have

Step 7. Plan Post-Development Process

The post-development stage is when the development manages and updates your project after it’s built. This includes fixing bugs, making updates, adding new features, and improving the existing ones.

Maintaining your app is crucial not just for fixing issues but also for keeping up with the competition and meeting new requirements. Regular monitoring and iterative improvements help keep your app performing well.

At eBizneeds, we focus on maintaining app performance throughout its lifecycle. For example, with the aspiration project, we ensured excellent performance and 99% bug-free operation after launch.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an App Developer?

The average cost of hiring mobile app developers can range between $25 to $49 per hour. Different developers charge for their service as per their skill level. Still, if you’re wondering about the exact cost of building an app for your business then it’s crucial to consider the location of developers. The cost of mobile development can vary significantly based on the country, the developer’s experience, expertise, and specific skills.

Keep in mind that a higher price doesn’t always mean a better product. It often depends on the economic condition of the developer’s country. The breakdown of the app developer’s hourly rate based on their geographical location is as follows:-

CountryCost Per Hour
Eastern Europe$70
Western Europe$125
Australia $100
United Kingdom (UK)$100-$120
United States (USA)$150

Moreover, some other factors identify the hourly rates of hiring mobile app developers.

  • The complexity of your project and the number of professionals needed such as developers, quality analysts, business analysts, product owners, and scrum masters significantly impact pricing.
  • The Programming Languages used in mobile app development like Swift, PHP, Golang, Kotlin, Java, and JavaScript can affect the cost.
  • The experience level of developers when senior, junior, or mid-level also impacts the price.

Note: – By considering all these factors, you can make accurate decisions while hiring affordable mobile app developers.

Affordable App Developers

Why Hire Mobile App Developers from eBizNeeds?

eBizneeds is a leading IT company with more than 20 years of experience in building top-notch mobile apps. During this period, we have completed over 500 projects. Our dedicated developers are experts in Flutter app development services, Kotlin, and Swift. Our experienced developers are ready to serve you a successful mobile app that works smoothly on various IOS, android, and cross-platform apps.

Whether you own a start-up business or owner of a multinational company, you can reach us today for custom mobile app development. Why choose us? Because

  • Our services help you to grow your business
  • We can handle large projects and deliver them without delay.
  • Transparent communication
  • We can make changes during the development procedure as per the client’s requirements.
  • No communication gap


Finding an affordable mobile app developer involves a smart decision for business growth. Only a skilled developer’s expertise and dedication can offer you tailored mobile app solutions. If you’re new to app development, then choosing a reliable and trustworthy company like eBizneeds is a great resource. They’ll guide you through the development process, keep you updated, and provide the best design ideas.


How can I choose affordable mobile app developers?

You can reach famous hiring sites to choose affordable mobile app developers based on diverse models like Outsourcing companies, in-house teams, and freelance.

Which country should I select when looking for a mobile app developer?

Several options are available for outsourcing developers. This includes Western Europe, the USA, Asia, and Eastern Europe. Central Europe offers a great opportunity with rates of $25-50 per hour while maintaining high competency. For example, Estonian developers charge $40 per hour.

How to search for the best app developer?

If you are going to choose the best mobile app developer then you need to know your target audience, define your project needs, build MVP, and measure (KPIs).

How much does it cost to hire a mobile app developer?

The cost of development usually depends on the developer’s location, experience level, and tech stack that they work with. Hiring mobile developers from the US asks for $100. Whereas, choosing developers from India charges $30 per hour for the same project.

Which is the best site to contact an app developer?

If you’re looking for affordable mobile app developers then it requires proper research over famous platforms like Clutch, Upwork, Fivver, Goodfirms, and Freelancer. You can contact professional app developers by using these platforms.

What defines professional app development?

Everyone might have a different definition of professional app development but some common steps help you to find a professional developer:-
Through product and user research
Scalable app infrastructure
Quality Assurance (QA) testing
Debugging process
Excellent UX/UI design

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