ASP.NET Core vs. ASP.NET MVC: Choosing the Right Framework For Your Project?

Last updated on August 20th, 2024 at 11:38 am

Microsoft has developed both ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET MVC frameworks for web development. However, both frameworks are distinguished from each other in specific ways. ASP.NET Core is a new framework that is more portable and lightweight than ASP.NET MVC. It uses for developing web apps that run on Linux, Windows, and macOS. Conversely, ASP.NET MVC is an older performance intended to be considered with .NET Framework. Moreover, it can only be considered for creating web apps that only run on Windows. This blog will discuss the difference between ASP.NET Core vs. ASP.NET MVC.

What is ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core is a free, open-source, cross-platform framework of ASP.NET that Microsoft creates. It is also a modular framework that runs cross-platform .NET.ASP.NET Core and .NET frameworks. It is used for developing cloud-enabled, internet-connected, and modern apps.

Using the ASP.NET Core framework, you can create web applications and services, mobile backend, and Internet of Things (IoT) applications.


Microsoft developed ASP.NET MVC, a web application framework that uses the model-view-controller design pattern. However, it is no longer available in active development.

It is an open-source platform that helps developers create web apps using software engineering practices and well-developed programming architecture.



Both ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET MVC are Microsoft web app development frameworks. However, they have the following differences in some contexts:

Cross-Platform Support

ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework that can be considered for developing apps. It runs on MacOS, Windows, and Linux. On the other side, the ASP.NET MVC framework runs only on Windows.

Dependency Injection (DI)

ASP.NET Core focuses on dependency injection by default, making testing and maintaining web apps simple. In contrast, ASP.NET MVC does not consider dependency injection by default. However, it can be included in web apps.

Razor Pages

ASP.NET Core added the new Razor Page framework, making developing single-page and simple web apps easier. In comparison, ASP.NET MVC does not add the Razor Pages.


ASP.NET Core is commonly faster than ASP.NET MVC.

When you are developing a new web application project, it is recommended to use ASP.NET Core. Its highly lightweight, portable, and newer framework will provide you with highly flexible options for your project.

If you have an existing ASP.NET MVC Project, you can continue to maintain and use it. However, you can focus on migrating to ASP.NET Development Services in the long term.

The given below are certain additional things that should be taken into consideration when you have to choose the difference between asp .net mvc and asp .net core:

Your Target Audience 

ASP.NET Core is a better choice while creating web apps considered by different users, such as those on non-window platforms.

Your Development Environment

ASP.NET Core is the only choice when creating web apps on a non-window platform.

Your Team’s Skills and Experience 

If your team is already aware of ASP.NET MVC, it can be easier to continue using that framework. But, if your team is new to web development, ASP.NET Core can be a sound choice as it is a modest framework for learning.

Eventually, a great way to choose between ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET MVC is to focus on your particular needs and requirements.

Why Should Businesses Choose ASP.NET MVC For Web Development?

ASP.NET MVC is a web development framework released by microsoft that uses model-view-controller architectural patterns. It is a sound choice for businesses as it is easy to use and learn, along with aids to developing a broader category of web apps.

The followings are specific reasons why businesses must select ASP.NET MVC for web application development:

Ease of Use 

ASP.NET MVC is a straightforward framework to use and learn because it relies on the MVC architectural pattern that is renowned and well-understood.


ASP.NET MVC is a highly flexible framework that can be applied to developing a broader category of web apps, from simple websites to complex enterprise apps.


ASP.NET MVC is a highly performant framework that can manage higher traffic levels without compromising performance.


ASP.NET MVC is a more secure framework because it added several security functionalities that support protecting the apps from attacks.


ASP.NET MVC has an active and larger community. Different resources are available to support the developers in learning about ASP.NET MVC and developing apps.


ASP.NET MVC is an open-source and accessible framework. It implies that businesses can apply it without paying any licensing charges. It is better for companies to develop cost-effective, high-performance, and secure web apps.


Several businesses and developers worldwide have applied ASP.NET MVC as it is a highly reliable framework.


ASP.NET MVC apps can be deployed to any platform that supports them. NET. It considers Windows, MacOS, and Linux.


ASP.NET MVC is the latest framework that takes benefit of the current features of the .NET platform. It makes it easier to develop secure, scalable, and responsive apps.

If you seek a portable, reliable, and advanced framework for developing web apps, ASP.NET MVC is a better choice.

But, it is significant to note that ASP.NET MVC is no longer actively created. Microsoft has moved to ASP.NET Core, a newer and highly advanced framework.

When you have an existing ASP.NET MVC Project, you may either rewrite it using the ASP.NET Core or keep it the same and continue using ASP.NET MVC.

Aside from utilizing the speed improvements in ASP.NET Core, there is no compelling reason to rewrite an old ASP.NET MVC project.


ASP.NET Core Web Application Advantages

Here are several reasons why businesses must select ASP.NET Core for web development. Let’s discuss some of the significant ASP.NET Core Web Application Advantages:


ASP.NET Core is a highly rapid framework. It is often faster than popular frameworks like Django and Ruby on Rails. It is significant for companies that must handle traffic or ensure their web apps are highly responsive.

Most Used Technologies in the .NET

technology skills in .net

Source: Statista

A technology stack demonstrates a company’s combination of techs for developing and running an app or project. The most recognized technology skill in the .NET C# tech stack IN 2022 was .NET Core compared to ASP.NET MVC.


ASP.NET Core is considered a highly scalable framework. It can be applied to developing web applications that manage millions of users. It is significant for businesses that estimate to grow their user base or must be competent in managing traffic spikes.


ASP.NET Core is a highly secure framework considering different security features that protect apps from attacks. It is better for businesses needing to secure their data and users.


ASP.NET Core has an active and also larger community. Different resources are accessible to support developers in learning more about ASP.NET Core and developing web apps with it.

It is significant for companies that should find help while creating apps or must find developers with knowledge and experience about the ASP.NET Core.


ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform and accessible framework. It implies that businesses can consider it without paying any licensing fees. It can save more money for businesses, specifically when they are creating a higher amount of apps.

ASP.NET Core is better for businesses developing scalable, cost-effective, high-performance website applications. You can hire ASP.NET developer to reduce the ASP.NET Core Web Application cost.

Let’s discuss some additional advantages of using ASP.NET Core Web Application:


ASP.NET Core is a highly consistent framework. It has been applied by several businesses and developers across the globe.


You can deploy any platform on ASP.NET Core apps that supports .NET Core. These platforms are Linux, MacOS, and Windows.


ASP.NET Core is a highly modern framework that benefits from the current features of the .NET Platform. It makes developing highly secure, scalable, and responsive apps easier.


ASP.NET Core is a modern and newer framework as compared to ASP.NET MVC. It is an open-source, cross-platform use for dependency injection by default. ASP.NET Core also considers the new Razor pages framework.

On the other side, ASP.NET MVC is a window-only framework that doesn’t consider dependency injection by default.



Which Framework Should I Use?

If you initiate the new web app development project, ASP.NET Core Frameworks will improve. If you have an existing ASP.NET MVC project, you can either rewrite it using the ASP.NET Core or keep it the same and continue to use ASP.NET MVC. The only compelling reason to rework an existing ASP.NET MVC project is if you want to take advantage of ASP.NET Core’s speed improvements.

What Are the Benefits of Using ASP.NET Core?

ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework that implies developing apps that can operate on Linux, MacOS, and Windows. It also focuses on dependency injection by default which makes it easier to maintain and test the apps. Finally, it considers a new Razor Page framework that makes developing simple and single-page web apps more accessible.

What Are the Benefits of Using ASP.NET MVC?

ASP.NET MVC is a simple framework to use and learn. It is also highly flexible and can be applied to creating a broader category of web apps. Moreover, it has an active and larger community that indicates different resources accessible to support developers in learning about ASP.NET MVC and creating apps.

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