eLearning Application Development Its Cost and Features

eLearning Application Development Its Cost and Features

In today’s fast-changing world, education has moved beyond traditional classrooms. eLearning apps have now changed the way how we learn by providing accessible and flexible learning options to people everywhere. Here is a complete guide to you about all the necessary points of eLearning Application Development in 2024.

Many people are not aware that the education industry has gone through big changes with things like smart classrooms and elearning apps. These apps offer a unique way for kids to improve their learning even when teachers aren’t available. Since smartphones have become such an important part of our lives, mobile apps have made learning easier and more advanced through elearning application development.

With elearning application development, you can start learning anywhere, anytime. One of the great things is that many apps offer features that work offline too. So, you don’t always need an internet connection to access the courses, study notes, lectures, etc.

If you are looking to invest in elearning software development then you should know the whole details about this so that you can make better decisions. When investing in this valuable tool for your organization or personal learning, make sure to know its investment cost, features, major benefits, and the main factors that affect the cost.

Here you will see all this kind of information. Stay tuned to this blog.

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What is an eLearning App?

What is an eLearning App?

Elearning is an easy and flexible way to learn from anywhere using electronic media. It allows for quick and wide sharing of knowledge. Advanced school management systems are creating new opportunities for students to learn and succeed. As internet access becomes available everywhere, elearning has grown rapidly. In the past, you had to attend a physical school to study, but now, that’s not always necessary. However, you couldn’t make it because of nag weather conditions, damaged roads and transport issues, the institute is too far from your home.

Now, Elearning has helped many people overcome these obstacles. With elearning, you can access knowledge anytime and from anywhere. This new era allows students and learners to study at their own pace and from comfort from their homes.

Statistics Overview of Elearning Application Development

Market Overview of Elearning Application Development

A report from Custom Market Insights (CMI) shows that the global elearning market is expected to rise at a rate of 17.53% per year. It is expected to reaxch to $848.1 billion by 2030 year. Elearning no longer requires teachers to be physically present. The tool opens up new ways of learning and teaching. With affordable internet and technology, the education sector is growing rapidly and creating big opportunities for educators. The ability of students and parents to learn at their own pace is a key factor driving this growth. Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are playing a big role in making elearning more popular and accessible.

Key Facts

  • Today, elearning apps offer a great way of learning for kids. According to the reports, the eLearning market will reach $325 billion by the 2025 year.
  • A report suggests that 171 million people could escape poverty if they gained essential reading skills. Globally, about 57 million children miss out on primary education. Elearning can offer affordable learning solutions to help these individuals.

Main Users of Elearning Mobile Apps

An elearning app is used by four groups i.e. students, teachers, parents, and administrators. So, when developing the app, you’ll need to include features for all these users.

The App is made for Students.
Its business model is tailored to meet their current needs and requirements.
To get started, students must sign up by completing the registration process.
Choose the courses you want and pay for them.
The eLearning application development team will make sure each student has their own dashboard and account to manage things like notes and study materials.
Students will also be able to track their progress in their courses and access their materials as needed.  


With their own dashboard, registered can share videos on specific topics with students.
Teachers can create and sell course materials to different students.
Use the app to set up interactive communication with their students.


The admin has full control over the elearning app’s features.
They can oversee all user activities on the app, view detailed real-time statistics, track the app’s retention rate, and monitor active courses.
Even they can check the number of registered users.

Eight Types of Elearning Apps By Used Cases

Eight Types of Elearning Apps By Used Cases

The cost of E-Learning app development depends on the type of app you want to create. Here are some of the most common types:-

eLearning Apps For Examination

These apps include different tests and quizzes to check how well students know a subject. They save the students’ answers, analyze them, and then show the results.

Vocabulary Learning Mobile Applications

This elearning app helps users with language vocabulary. It allows students to learn a new language or improve their vocabulary in any language.

Dedicated Elearning application

Apps designed for a particular field or subject such as medical training or typing lessons are called dedicated elearning apps. For instance, some apps help with preparing for government jobs or applying to schools, while others focus on learning programming languages or specific skills.

eLearning Apps To Learn New Languages

These apps are also known as Language Learning Apps, these tools help users pick up new languages in fun and engaging ways. You can find hundreds of languages, like English, French, Spanish, Mandarin, and Italian, among others. They offer native tutors and exciting learning techniques that make the process interactive and enjoyable. Duolingo is a popular example of such an app.

Courses-Based eLearning Application

A course-based application is an app that is specifically designed to run courses. It contains audio and video clips related to the course that can only be accessed through the app.

eLearning Mobile Apps for Corporate Training

Corporate training apps offer a platform for learning job-related skills such as data science, programming, sales, accounting, marketing and communication. These apps often provide a certificate when you finish the course and some even help with job replacement. Examples of such apps are Udemy and Coursera.

Video-Based eLearning Mobile Apps

With changes in the elearning world, we’ve seen various learning models that also include video-based learning. Unlike traditional classroom or text-based methods, video-based learning uses engaging videos to explain lessons. For example, Byju’s App offers interactive videos for different courses, showcasing how video-based learning can be effective.

Gaming-Based eLearning Mobile Apps

Gamification in eLearning makes learning much simpler and more enjoyable for students of all ages. For young children, learning through games or game-based apps is often easier than using traditional methods. These apps achieve the same goals in a fun way.

Ways to Make Money from Your Elearning App

Ways to Make Money from Your Elearning App

If you want to develop an elearning app then we ensure you get a top-notch solution that offers you the best return on investment. It’s not just the features of the app that will impact your earnings but also the monetization model you choose will influence your revenue.

Course Fee

It’s just simple! This model works well if you’re offering courses to professionals. Users just pay for the courses they take—no registration fees or yearly subscriptions. Simply sign in and pay for each course.

In-App Advertisement

If any third-party vendor wants to advertise their products on the app, it can be arranged. This can help make some extra money.

Subscription Fee

There are two types of subscription models as follows:-

Premium Subscription

Users with the premium subscription get extra benefits such as accessing all the coursework in the app. They can also get their questions answered by their teachers and use the app offline.

Freemium Subscription

In today’s era, every student likes to try e-learning apps for free first. They can explore the features without paying charges. If they like what they see and enjoy the learning experience then they can choose to subscribe.

E-commerce Integration

If you add an e-commerce feature to the education app then it allows the owner to earn a commission on any products that are viewed or bought through the app. This can improve the return on investment for elearning apps.

Note: – You are free to pick any model to make money and earn lots of profit in real-time. The type of elearning app you want to launch will affect which model you choose and also impact the cost of elearning app development.

Major Advantages of Creating eLearning Mobile Application

  • Elearning mobile apps let users explore learning materials through podcasts, videos, and other methods.
  • Elearning apps help users stay more engaged which leads to better completion and retention rates compared to traditional teaching methods.
  • They allow students to work together and have a more interactive learning experience.
  • These apps also let parents monitor their child’s progress.
  • They offer the flexibility to learn at their own speed and revisit any concepts they find confusing.

Note: – If you like the idea of Elearning apps, it’s a good idea to explore their different types, monetization model and the cost to develop them, all explained from an entrepreneur’s perspective.”

Who Can Build Elearning Mobile Apps? 

E-learning solutions are very valuable for schools, colleges, and coaching centers. Developing educational apps can improve the way of delivering knowledge and make learning more interactive for students.

But e-learning isn’t just for education. It can also be used by businesses to train employees on new technologies, which helps cut down on training costs. All the Schools and universities, training centers, Businesses and companies, primary and secondary schools, and educational technology start-ups can build e-learning apps with the help of reliable development companies.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Starting E-learning App Development Key Features for E-learning App Development 

If you are planning to work with a company that develops education and e-learning software then it’s important to do your research to get the best solution. Here are some things to think about before developing your e-learning mobile app:-

Research Your App Idea 

Before starting your project, it’s crucial to research how unique your app idea is. This helps your app stand out from others. Once you have an idea, look into your competitors to find gaps in the market where your e-learning app can have an edge.

Analyze Your Target Users 

Once you finalized your e-learning app idea and feature then it’s crucial to understand your target audience, whether they are students, academic professionals, or teachers. Researching your audience helps you create content 5

Create the best user interface 

You have added unique features to your e-learning app but they won’t attract users unless the interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate.  Goof UI design is crucial in app development that you should take on priority.

Release MVP

Minimum Viable Product is the first version of your app that has the essential features and unique elements that set it apart. Make a list of the features that you want for the MVP of your learning platform. This will help you gather feedback and make improvements to the app.

Design monetization models

Every business owner wants to generate profits from their app. That’s why it’s important to plan the different ways to make money before making your e-learning app live to your audience. So you can start earning right from the first day it’s available.

Read Also: A Complete Guide On eLearning App Development For Adults

Advanced Features for Elearning App Development

Advanced Features for Elearning App Development

Here, you will learn all the essential features of developing an e-learning app:-

For Students or Learners

  • Simple user sign-up and profile management.
  • Learners can ask questions and receive answers from tutors.
  • Quiz feature to test knowledge. 
  • Search feature to find tutors. 
  • Include mock tests so learners can check their skills.
  • Learners should get notifications about classes and responses from tutors to their questions.
  • Allow learners to chat with tutors to clear up any doubts.
  • Make it easy for users to quickly pay for courses they’re interested.
  • Clear information on subscriptions and paid plans. 
  • Easy search and selection of subjects or courses.
  • Simple user sign-up and profile management. 
  • Learners should be able to track their progress with personalized report. An extra feature could help them spot repeated mistakes.

For Tutors

  • Easy registration and tutors can manage their accounts information.
  • They should be able to easily update and upload their content.
  • Tutors should be able to chat with students and parents.
  • They should get alerts about questions from students and parents.
  • Tutors should receive payments from students or the company quickly.
  • Tutors can get notifications about student questions and help clear their doubts.
  • They can teach live and should allow them to switch between laptop and whiteboard depending on the study material.
  • For example, teaching Photoshop requires a laptop screen not a whiteboard.

For Parents

  • Track student progress
  • Parents can track the student’s performance
  • In-app chat with tutors about the student
  • Monitor student attendance 
  • Choose Payment Mode
  • Manage course subscriptions for students with an in-app payment feature 
  • Receive notifications from tutors and admin 
  • View and check student assessments 

For Admin

  • Admins should be able to handle learning sessions 
  • Manage users and their roles
  • Admins can control subscription plans and user credits 
  • Admins can manage subjects for different courses 
  • Ensure questions and notifications reach the right audience 
  • Handle tutor payments based on agreed terms 
  • Admins can manage content uploaded by tutors or add content using the integrated CMS
  • Manage the Student Information System 
  • Oversee and monitor chats and discussion forums if available 
  • Admins can manage badges 

Tech Stack for Elearning App Development 

Tech Stack for Elearning App Development 

If you want to run your e-learning app smoothly then you will need the following technologies:-

Cloud Data Storage

Use services like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to store your data.

Frontend Development

  • iOS Development: Use Swift or React Native.
  • Android Development: Use Android Studio (Java) or React Native.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Use Flutter, React Native, or Node.js.


Create and manage tables to organize your information, for example, using MySQL.

UI/UX Design

This covers everything from creating wireframes to designing images and icons, aiming for the best user experience. Tools like CSS and HTML are used for web design, while Photoshop, Adobe, and Illustrator Sketch are used for mobile apps.

SMS and Phone Verification

These services can be added to send notifications and verify users via SMS or phone calls. Examples include Nexmo and Twilio.


Choose an analytics tool based on your needs such as Google Analytics.

Email Management

You can handle all email tasks, from sign-up to password resets and other communications. Examples include Mandrill, Mailjet, AmazonSES, Sendgrid, and Mailgun.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

AR and VR are popular technologies that make learning more engaging and help users understand better, improving the overall experience of using the e-learning app.

Payment Gateways

These allow smooth in-app payments by offering multiple popular payment methods. So, users can choose the one that suits them best. These are some of the examples, credit/debit cards, Net- banking e-wallets, PayPal, , Braintree, and Stripe.

Streaming Video

You can add a video streaming feature using platforms like Agora.io, RTMP, or WebRTC.

Read More: How Artificial Intelligence Is Revolutionizing Elearning Apps?

Team Needed for Successful Elearning Application Development

If you want to create a dynamic eLearning mobile app then you need a team of skilled professionals. The size of the team depends on the project. The necessary team members include

Project Manager
Front-end Developer
Back-end Developer
iOS Developer
Graphic Designer
Delivery Manager
Web Developer
Android Developer
UX/UI Designer
QA Testers

Cost of Developing an Elearning App 

The cost of a basic e-learning app typically ranges from $16,000 to $30,000. However, if you are looking to build more advanced app with many features then the price may starts at $40,000 and can go up depending on the additional features you choose to include. The cost of e-learning app development depends on several things:-

  • App’s Feature
  • Complexity
  • Platform Choice ( Native, or Hybrid App)
  • The number of third-party APIs that need to be integrated
Cost of Developing an Elearning App 

Top E-learning Mobile Apps 

These upcoming apps are leading in the market. Check out the top 4 e-learning apps provided below:-

Top E-learning Mobile Apps 

Periodic Table: 2024 Chemistry

This is a leading free e-learning app to get knowledge about chemical elements. It’s designed for everyone who values chemistry and science. The app makes understanding the complex periodic table simple and visual.

You can download the app directly from the Google Play Store or App Store, where it has a 4.8 rating. The easy-to-use interface lets you search for any element and sort them by types like alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, transition metals, semiconductors, and more.

Amazon Kindle

The Amazon Kindle education platform is designed for users around the world with its fast and appealing interface. Its easy-to-use design offers a range of features, particularly for learners. With more than 1.5 million books available at your fingertips, you can read a wide variety of content which mainly includes magazines like Economist and the Guardian. Just download and enjoy learning!

This e-learning app is specially designed to meet individual needs. Key features include access to over 1 million free books, the option to buy any book for under $4 and a vast selection of popular and exclusive titles that aren’t available elsewhere. The Kindle app offers excellent voice assistance and automatic syncing, which saves you time by letting you read instantly across different devices.


Coursera is a top-notch learning platform featuring courses from leading industry experts, top universities, and big names like Google, IBM, and Apple. It helps you advance your skills.

New users can sign up and create their own courses. Students can earn certificates or even degrees online. You can explore a wide range of subjects like business, management, banking, personal growth, data science, and computers.

StudyBlue Flashcards

StudyBlue Flashcards application is a creative way to learn. When we were kids we loved magical and imaginative things. This platform is fantastic that can open up a whole new world of learning. With over 10 million flashcards, it’s a great tool for kids to learn and have fun at the same time. For your e-learning app, you can draw inspiration from StudyBlue and add your unique features to keep it engaging and interesting for users. You can track your progress, set study reminders, quiz yourself, and customize with images and audio.

Why choose eBizneeds for eLearning App Development?

To bring your vision of a top-notch e-learning app to life, you will need skilled mobile app developers. Choose a reliable and trustworthy partner like eBizneeds with a strong team to make sure the development process is smooth and stress-free. The company has over 20 years of experience in developing e-learning apps and educational software. We deliver excellent solutions that meet both business and customer needs. Contact us to make to make your app dream real!


E-learning mobile apps are becoming more popular and now is the perfect time to jump into this trend. If you have an idea for an app and want to bring it to life then why wait?  Hire a top e-learning app development company and start seeing the results!


How to develop e-learning app?

Developing an e-learning app involves several steps:
1. Researching your target audience
2. Choosing the type of app
3. Listing the features you want
4. Finding the right development company
5. Launching a minimum viable product (MVP).

What are the core features of elearning mobile apps?

You should build different features for students, teachers, parents, and the admin panel. Check out the blog to find out which features are important for each type of interface.

How to earn money from elearning education apps?

E-learning apps use different ways to make money and increase profits. These include offering free versions with extra features, additional charges for advanced features, showing ads, selling educational material within the app, offering subscription plans, and more.

What team do you need for developing an eLearning app?

Based on your business needs and budget, you should hire developers and a project manager. You will also need a QA and testing team. Moreover, UI/UX designer also plays a key role in creating the app. Additionally, a business analyst will help with your business requirements and any questions you have.

How much does it cost to create an elearning app?

The cost to develop a basic e-learning app is between $16,000 and $30,000 for two platforms. Whereas, a more complex app usually starts at $40,000.

Which is the leading elearning apps?

Our expertise can create the most popular types of educational apps such as:-
1. BYJU’s
2. edX
3. Duolingo
4. Udemy
5. Google Classroom

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