The Complete Guide to Employee Time Tracking App Development

The Complete Guide to Employee Time Tracking App Development

Last updated on September 17th, 2024 at 07:50 am

Are you frustrated with unreliable time tracking and clunky HR procedures? Well, no need to worry! Here in this blog, you will learn about how a custom tracking app can transform your business. Here is a complete guide to you about all the necessary points of Employee Time Tracking App Development in 2024.

Whether you are a big entrepreneur or running a small business, tracking employee time is crucial for maintaining productivity and efficiency.

Nowadays, tracking becomes more challenging with a large workflow. While using Excel sheets and documents is time-consuming, an automated time-tracking app can greatly improve your business operations.

Many businesses are turning to custom time-tracking apps because they offer ease and flexibility. These apps allow you to monitor employee activities and ensure efficiency without making employees feel over-observed.

This easy-to-follow guide will walk you through the key steps to create an app that fits your needs and boosts productivity. On this page, we will cover all the topics related to Employee Time Tracking App Development like essential features, benefits, tips for success, development procedure and how much it costs to build an employee time tracking app.

What Is An Employee Time Tracking App? 

An employee time-tracking app or software helps companies keep track of how much time their employees spend on different tasks. It lets employees clock in and out, record their work hours, and monitor their time for specific projects or tasks. The best employee time-tracking apps let managers check and review time sheets, and create reports on attendance and productivity. These apps often come with extra features like leave management, payroll integration, and tools for HR and project management. Time tracking software is great for organizations looking to manage time better, boost productivity, and follow labor laws. That’s why more business owners are considering developing their own employee time-tracking apps. 

How Does an Employee Time Tracker App Work? 

Most employee time-tracking apps work like other mobile apps and software. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to show you how an employee time-tracking app functions.

Add a Task or Start a New Project

First, users need to add tasks or set up a project before they start the time-tracking timer. Only the admin can change the tasks assigned, and employees cannot alter any activities.

Begin Timing

When employees log in and start working, they begin the timer. They can start and stop the timer whenever they choose.

There are two ways to use the time-tracking software i.e. by clicking the start button or by entering the time manually. Users can also add notes if needed.

Create Data Reports

When users stop tracking time in the employee time tracking app, the software automatically creates reports showing the total working hours. These reports can help track employee progress and generate invoices. However, not all apps have this automated feature. If you’re hiring a team of developers, make sure to ask them to include this feature in your employee productivity tracking app.

View Analytics

Finally, business managers or owners can access reports and analytics when needed. This feature gives a clear view of how well the employee time-tracking app is performing. By reviewing these reports, businesses can easily determine if the app is benefiting them.

This is a key factor to think about when considering how to build an employee time-tracking app. That’s it! This is how an employee time-tracking app functions and helps both businesses and employees boost productivity. The process is straightforward and user-friendly, so any business owner can manage it with minimal knowledge.

Top Employee Time Tracking Apps You Must Know

Top Employee Time Tracking application You Must Know

There are many employee time tracking apps available online which can make it hard for businesses to pick the right one. To help with this, we’ve listed the top 5 mobile time-tracking apps that businesses can consider.


Hubstaff is a popular employee tracking software like Time Doctor as offers many features for monitoring employees, tracking time, and managing projects. Its key advantage is that you can track time and employees from anywhere. But this is just one of the top tools available. With your list of options, choose the right tool for tracking employee productivity, and see your business thrive quickly.


It’s an easy-to-use time-tracking app with great features like project management, tracking employee productivity, and analyzing performance. This app helps businesses boost profits and improve employee efficiency.


If you’re a business owner or manager who needs to monitor your team’s activities and how much time they spend on tasks or projects, Clockify is a great time-tracking tool. You can use it to either start a timer or manually enter the time.


The great employee time-tracking software is Toggl. This system is easy to use and enhances the productivity. Employees can easily set up a project, create tasks, and start tracking time with just a few clicks. Once the project is finished, users can generate and send an invoice directly through the app. It’s that simple and convenient.

Toggl also offers features like reporting and integration with other tools, making it a comprehensive choice for managing time and tasks efficiently. The list of top employee time-tracking tools doesn’t stop here. With so many options available, you can choose meets your business requirements. Choose the right tracking tool to boost productivity and watch your business thrive and succeed.

Steps To Build Employee Time Tracking App  

Steps To Build Employee Time Tracking application

Building an employee time-tracking app can be challenging. If you’re having trouble developing an effective app for tracking productivity, check out these steps:-

Define the App’s Purpose and Features 

Before start developing an employee time tracking app, you should identify the specific needs and goals for your employee time tracking app along with the features it should have. For example: – Will the app let employees clock in and out, request time off, or track their work hours?

Identify Your Target Audience 

After that, think about who will use your app, whether it’s employees or managers. Also, consider what devices they will be using like smartphones or computers. This will help you choose whether to develop the app for android or IOS.

Design the User Interface 

Just like with mobile app development, designing an employee time tracking app is key to making a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate interface. This helps employees track their time effortlessly as it also improves business productivity.

Build the Backend 

In this stage of time-tracking app software development, you will set up the database and server-side logic to handle data storage and retrieval. This is where the real work of building the app begins.

Test the Employee Time Tracking App 

Testing is essential to check the app’s work as expected and meet the needs of users. Proper testing is essential to ensure your time-tracking app is completely free of errors. You can either hire an employee time-tracking app development Company or do it yourself.

Launch the App 

After development and proper testing, you can launch it on various platforms like Google Play Store, and App Store. The cost of employee time-tracking app development will depend on the platform you choose. Pick the platform wisely that fits to your budget and meets business requirements.

Can I create a time-tracking app in Hours and 57 Minutes?

Monitor and Maintain the App 

The task is not finished yet! Developers need to regularly inspect the app for any bugs or issues and update it as required to upgrade its performance. Ongoing support and maintenance are key to ensuring the app runs smoothly for years.  

Note: – These are the 7 simple steps to create an employee time tracking app that will quickly benefit your business. A well-designed and feature-packed app brings many advantages, which we’ll cover next.

 Key Features of Employee Time Tracking Apps 

 Key Features of Time Tracking Apps 

An app without the right features and functions won’t be successful. To ensure your employee tracking app is successful and keeps employee engagement then make sure to include these features that we shared below:- 

Clock in/Out

Enables employees to record their work hours by logging the start and end their shifts. 

Time Off Request  

If any employee asks for time off then they can submit a request to their managers who can either approve or deny it. 

Overtime Tracking  

This feature allows you to track how many overtime hours employees have worked so managers can calculate the total time spent on a specific project. 


Sometimes business owners or managers need to assign different shifts to various employees. In this task, this useful feature of the employee tracking app could be very helpful. 

Project Tracking

By adding this feature, companies can easily monitor how much time employees spend on specific projects. Managers can also track their progress and productivity on those projects. 

Push Notifications

Keep managers and employees informed about current tasks with push notifications and daily reminders. 

Reporting & Analytics 

This feature allows admins and managers to access monthly reports and analytics from the employee time-tracking app. It helps them evaluate whether the app is benefiting the business or not. 

Major Benefits to Build Employee Time Tracking App 

No business owner ever thought they’d be able to track every activity their employees do. But with custom employee tracker app development, this is now possible. Using the right desktop time tracker app comes with its own set of advantages, which we have outlined below. 

Enhanced Productivity

Tracking employee time helps organizations spot inefficiencies or slowdowns in their processes and make improvements. This can boost productivity and make better use of company resources.

 Improved Project Management 

Time tracking apps allow managers to see how much time different tasks and projects take which helps with project planning and budgeting. By using an employee tracking app, businesses can better plan their projects based on this information. 

Following Labor Laws

In some situations, companies need to track employee hours to comply with labor laws and regulations. Time-tracking apps can help meet these requirements while allowing employees to work efficiently without feeling stressed or overwhelmed. 

Enhanced Employee Involvement

Each mobile app has features that catch user’s attention, and an employee tracking app is no different. It comes with special features that keep employees engaged and help maintain work efficiency.

If you want to have your own employee tracking app then contact a reliable mobile app development company like eBizneeds and share your business needs, and the experts will build custom software for you. 

Better Team Work 

Time-tracking apps help teams collaborate by letting members view each other’s progress and work together to meet deadlines. 

How Much Does It Cost to Build Employee Time Tracking App?

If you are planning to create a basic employee time tracking app then typically costs between $8,000 and $25,000. For apps with more advanced features, the cost will go higher up to $25,000.

Businesses should set a budget for Employee Time Tracking App Development and plan accordingly. With a clear plan, they can get a better estimate of the cost of building an employee time-tracking app. 

How Much Does It Cost to Build Time Tracking App?


Building a great app to track employee time and productivity is a little challenging, especially with so many options available today. However, if you learn the right skills and understand the development process then it becomes easy to handle.  Now that you’re familiar with creating a productivity-tracking app, start by finding a trustworthy Time Tracking App Development. Share your business needs, hire skilled developers, and they’ll help you build your app within your budget. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the major advantages of employee time-tracking apps?

Employee time-tracking application offers unique advantages. A well-designed employee tracking app is particularly useful and provides lots of benefits such as better project management, higher productivity, increased profits, streamlined work processes, detailed reports and analytics, automated invoice generations, better project management and many more.

How long does it take to create an Employee Time Tracking App?

There is no formula exists to determine the exact time of the Employee Time Tracking App. A simple time tracker app typically takes about 336 hours to build. However, depending on the complexity, size, and features of your project, it might be developed in 200 hours or less.

What are the key features of an employee time-tracking app?

The features of an employee time-tracking app are much like those of other tracking apps. Key features to include in your time tracking app Clock-in & Clock-out are project scheduling, push notifications, project tracking and reporting & analytics.

What are the best employee time-tracking apps?

Here you will find out the top 5 employee time-tracking apps to use:-

Can I create a time-tracking app in Hours and 57 Minutes?

There isn’t a set time for developing mobile app development but it’s possible to create an employee time-tracking app in 3 hours and 57 minutes. To achieve this, you’d need a dedicated team of developers working efficiently to meet the deadline.

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