On Demand Handyman App Development - Cost and Key Features

On Demand Handyman App Development – Cost and Key Features

Last updated on August 10th, 2024 at 05:46 am

In the last decade, we have witnessed a lot of technological evolutions such as faster internet, e-commerce, online payment, and many more. Mobile applications have penetrated our daily lives and we use mobile apps for activities like booking a cab, utility bills, shopping, buying groceries, watching live matches, and many others. Here is a complete guide for you about all the necessary points of Handyman App Development in 2024.

In today’s digital age, our expectations of how we perceive and use services and get things done are changing. People now expect to get services of cleaning, repairing, fixing, and similar at their fingertips. There are many small chores in our domestic environments like home and offices that require professional assistance and finding these reliable professionals is not a cakewalk. Also, leaving unchecked issues like leaking and electricity faults can result in big damage and are dangerous for your kith and kin.

The handyman app development can meet the demand of all these people who look for professional assistance in daily chores. You would be surprised to know that there are nearly 1.4 million people employed in handyman services, yet it is difficult to find a dedicated handyman.

The issue is of awareness and no intermediary that can connect the supply of handyman employees with the demand for handyman services. The Handyman app development can resolve this issue. With so much potential in the market, if you are looking for a handyman app development company that can provide services for on-demand handyman app development, then this article is for you. In this article, we will cover all the major aspects of handyman app development including its features, benefits, cost, and other key aspects.

What is On Demand Handyman App Development?

A handyman app is a dedicated application that provides on-demand services to users as per their requirements. These services are generally for daily chores like repairing electrical components, cleaning, mechanical work, assistance of different types, and other related jobs. With such an app, the homeowners or the office people get easily connected with require handyman and get the service. It offers ease and convenience to the people and things happen in an organized way.

On the other side, the local handyman also gets work and good wages for the provided services. An on-demand handyman app is acting as a bridge or a platform to connect customers (homeowners, office owners, etc.) with the service providers (handyman).

Is Handyman App Development in Demand? Market Statistics

Is Handyman App Development in Demand? Market Statistics

Yes, there is a huge demand for on-demand handyman app development. These market statistics confirm the same:

In 2023, the handyman software market was valued at $390 million and by 2033, it is expected to reach a valuation of $1.8 billion.

Between the period of 2023 and 2033, the compound annual growth rate is 16.5%.

The adoption rate has increased by 25% in the last two years.

Nearly 40% of the households in the USA now prefer subscription-based handyman services.

Benefits of Handyman App Development:

Benefits of Handyman App Development:

There are numerous benefits that a handyman app will offer to businesses as well as the users of the app. These are:

Easy Job Scheduling:

There will be an appointment scheduler in the application that the worker will use to maintain the effective and timely delivery of the services. Through job scheduling, no customer has to wait for a prolonged period. Also, the worker could manage the jobs as per the priorities in job scheduling. Most importantly, local workers like plumbers, carpenters, painters, cleaners, etc. don’t have to face the hassle of unnecessary phone calls from the users.

Generate more bookings through online platform:

As we mentioned above, 40% of the households in the USA prefer online handyman services. Particularly, the younger audience has more inclination towards the handyman app to get daily chores done without any hassle. This shows that offering 24 x 7 handyman services through an online app will generate more bookings. This high number of bookings will create more jobs or simply more money for the service providers.

Less Administration Cost:

There will be much less administration cost with an online handyman app than the traditional process. The vendors aren’t required to pile up extra resources if there is no work or the work doesn’t require as many resources. Also, the demand forecast will help in hiring an adequate number of resources for handyman services. Thus, the admin doesn’t always need to focus on the resources but keeps a check on the business at its core.

Less Paperwork:

Paperwork is a pain in the handyman business. With the digitalization of services, there will be almost no paperwork which will not only reduce the handling costs but also promote sustainability.

Easy Payments:

Handyman app will offer multiple options of payment to the users and there will be secure payment gateways. If there is only one payment option, it will showcase your narrow thinking, as diverse audiences prefer different payment options.

Wider view of activities:

When all the things get structured in a handyman application then you can get a wider view of activities. It helps in finding errors, estimating issues, and mistakes at an early stage. Furthermore, it helps in the improvisation of services.

handyman app development

Save time:

Utilizing a smartphone or a tablet to check on the services and assigning a handyman for the jobs will save a lot of operational time. Initially, it will take a certain time to set up the business application but as you will run the business through it, you will save up a lot of your precious time.

Boost Customer Relationship:

An on demand handyman app allows you to deliver personalized experiences to your customers and connect with them in a better way. You can offer discounts to your regular patrons or create bundled services as per their past requirements.

Essential Features of Handyman App Development:

Essential Features of Handyman App Development:

The features will play an integral role in defining the success of the app. With so many innovative technologies around the corner, all the features should focus on high performance, improved usability, astonishing UI, and other aspects that improve user experience. In a handyman app, the features will be developed for three interfaces:

Admin Panel

Handyman Services Provider


Let’s understand the features of each of these entities:

1. Users:

The users would be able to easily onboard the app and find the relevant services easily. They can make payments using the convenient options and have a positive user experience. These will be the major features of the users portal:

Login and Sign Up:

The users will have to first log in and sign up by entering their phone number/e-mail account and password. You can also provide social media logins for an easy onboarding experience.


The search feature may be the first touchpoint by which the users will interact with your app. There must be an advanced search that can provide auto-suggestions, allow typos or errors, and give relevant results.

Pick Handyman Based on Reviews:

The home screen should showcase the handyman available on the basis of their reviews. The user could book services from the home screen itself just like an e-commerce store.

Account Management:

The account management of the user portal app will allow users to manage addresses, contact numbers, payment methods, past bookings, and other important use cases.

Booking Feature:

The users would be able to select the services and book by providing the time and date of the service on the app. They also have to mention the address and other basic details.

Multi-location Access:

The users would be able to find the handyman in different locations and also in their neighborhood for faster services.

Cancel Bookings:

In case, the problem is now no more exists or whatever the reason is, if the user wishes to cancel the booking, they would be able to cancel it easily.

Payment Options:

As we mentioned above, customers will be able to make payments through multiple options such as cash, cards, net banking, eWallets, etc.

2. Handyman Services Provider:

There will be more complex features at the handyman services provider in comparison to the users. They have to provide reliable services while managing the staff at the backend. Here are the major features of the handyman services provider:

Create Account:

The handyman services provider has to create an account of the staff and workers through which they are providing services. It includes name, contact number, previous experience, expertise, etc.

Switch online/offline:

The handyman services provider would have flexibility if at a certain period of time, they are not able to provide the services due to staff unavailability, weather conditions, or any other reason.

Instant Alert:

As soon as the user books the services, the handyman services provider will get an instant alert of the booking and they have to ensure that the staff is available during the scheduled time.

Customer Loyalty Programs:

The handyman services provider could employ various loyalty programs to retail their customers, make them regular patrons, offer special discounts, or other promotional activities.


The services provider will have a dashboard on the home screen which allows checking of all the previous and current bookings, pending services, total revenue earned, and other important metrics.

Accept/Reject  Job Request:

The handyman services provider would be able to accept or reject the services as per the type of service requested, the handyman available, and other reasons.

3. Admin Panel:

The admin panel features would be more or less like any other on-demand mobile application in which the aim is to manage the entities and provide them with a streamlined experience. Here are the major features:

Handyman app development

Integrated Analytics:

The admin would be able to check the analytics of different metrics and KPIs of the vendors and users, to have a broader overview of the running business.

Earning management:

The admin would be able to check the pending invoices and clear invoices of the staff, users, cancellations, etc.

Job History Details:

The admin could check the details of past jobs ordered by customers or past jobs completed by a handyman staff.

User Management:

Whether it is a customer or a handyman services provider, the admin would be able to manage the users in terms of any service.

Workflow Management:

In case of any changes in the overall workflow of the app, the admin would be able to make the required changes.

Revenue Models of Handyman Services Provider Apps:

There are multiple ways by which you can make money through your handyman app. Here are the popular ones:

1. Commission or Service Fees: In this model, the handyman app will take a cut from the services provider from the fees they will get after carrying out the services. For e.g. Task Rabbit charges a 15% commission fee on the total bill amount.

2. Support and Trust Fees: You can also charge a fixed fee of support and trust for every transaction on the platform. It is also known as a platform fee or facilitation fee. These charges are for online portals, facilitation, support, payments, etc.

3. Registration Fee: There will also be implementation of a non-negotiable one-time registration fee for every service provider registering on the platform.

Popular Handyman Apps To Take Reference:

Popular Handyman Apps To Take Reference:

Although there are numerous apps available in the market, the market still has a lot of potential as it is untapped in various demographics and geographies.

1. Task Rabbit:

Task Rabbit is a popular handyman app that you can consider for referencing. It is a top-rated app and offers features like secure payment gateways, chatting with the taskers, and customer support available in multiple ways like mail, chat, calls, etc. There are trusted handyman professionals present on the app that provide excellent services. There is a non-refundable registration of $25 on the platform.

2. Porch:

Porch is an out-of-the-box handyman app and offers features like advanced search, multiple locations, chatting between the customers and the handyman, multiple payment options, easy user onboarding, and others. The pricing begins on a direct service basis.

3. Thumbtack:

On the Thumbtack handyman app, you can find handymen, housekeepers, tutors, photographers, wedding planners, and whatnot. The app comes with features like cost estimation, online marketing strategies support, checking reviews or ratings, and much more.

4. Handy:

Handy indicates the handyman services would be of top quality. Just like any other handyman app, it has all the essential features such as an easy payment process, flexible planning, read and compare reviews, a 24 x 7 booking facility, customized bookings, etc.

5. All Better:

All Better is a reliable and easy-to-use handyman app with top-rated service providers. It offers multiple replacement services, repair services, and much more.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Handyman App?

The cost of on demand handyman app development will depend on multiple factors such as:

1. Tech Stack:

The tech stack greatly determines the cost of the development of a handyman app. The choice of technologies for frontend and backend will decide the resources which can vary in terms of rates.

For Frontend, the popular tech stack is React Native and Flutter for cross-platform apps, Swift for iOS, and Kotlin for Android.

For Backend: Node.js, Ruby on Rails, as well as Python, as server-side programming

Database: MySQL or MongoDB

Cloud Services: AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud

2. Development Team Location:

The location of the development team will greatly impact the cost of your handyman app development project. Prices vary a lot as per the geographical areas. In North America, the hourly rate can lie in the range of $80-$100 per hour, In Europe, it can range around $40-120 per hour, while you can get the same quality in Asia at $20-50 per hour.

3. Platform Choice:

The choice of the platform would also have a role. If you want to develop only the web app then it will have a low cost, while if you want to develop an app for both Android and iOS then the cost will increase.

Read Also: How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App?

Ultimately, the cost of developing a handyman app can lie within the range of $20,000-$50,000 with certain advanced features. However, still, many factors will impact this figure.

Wrapping Up:

In this article, we have gone through multiple aspects of the on-demand handyman app development including its features, benefits, stats, and how much will it cost. At Eebizneeds, the best mobile app development company in India, we are having expertise in on-demand mobile app development with advanced features and functionalities. Our vast mobile app development team will understand your requirements and provide you with a fully functional app. Feel free to reach out to us.

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