Things to Consider While Hiring React Native Developers

Things to Consider While Hiring React Native Developers

Cross-platform mobile application development is fantastic, and the prime advantage is cost-effective app development. Some technologies promise the best results regarding where React Native is top-notch technology. So, in this blog on React Native Developers, we will discuss all essential points.

How do I hire React Native developer?

To find the answer, we have created this blog that will help you find out the best React Native app developers for hire for cross-platform app development. By reading this blog, you will go through some key steps that will help a lot.

The react-native mobile app development is a revolution in the app industry and is great for potential clients who want their work to be done quickly.

Hiring top react native development professional is not that easy as one needs to check the skill sets and experience to hire the perfect one for the company.

React native has become the fastest-growing technology for developing Android and iOS apps. With so many highly developed and still developing companies, it becomes tedious and time-consuming to decide who can fulfill your requirements.

Before deep-diving into the blog, it is also important to find out whether React Native is good for development or not.

Is React Native Enough for App Development in 2024?

The technology can be changed overnight; even if you do not know when you finish this blog, the technology will remain the same, or something new will be launched after an hour. But the best point is that there is long-term scope for React Native cross-platform development.

In 2024, it will also remain the pioneering technology for platform-independent app development for professional purposes. The best part is that it remains fantastic in developing highly interactive apps, including responsive UI/UX and compatibility with platforms such as Android and iOS.

The major advantages of using this technology are :

  • Cost-effective app development
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Fast mobile application development
  • Fast Reloading for a better user experience
  • Works fantastic for both platforms, i.e., Android and iOS
  • Easy to learn and use
  • Easy app up-gradation And many more.

Some users also ask on the internet whether React Native is good for 2024 or not?

For supporting it, here are some facts and figures that you can consider to hire React Native app developers.

  • There are 24.5 million software developers active worldwide, and 40% of developers use React Native for app development.
  • More than 9000 top worldwide brands use it, and Facebook is one of them.
  • The React Native community size is quite long.
  • In terms of most wanted frameworks, it has a stronghold in the list of top-10 mobile app development frameworks in 2024.
  • It is the front-runner in the job market as there is considerable demand for React Native app developers for hire in the market.

These facts and figures prove that this framework is the best to develop the app in 2024 and hiring React Native app developers for mobile app development is advantageous. A business can leverage this trend by having a professional mobile app with cost-effectiveness.

What You Must Look Before to Hire React Native Developer?

To hire React native developer requires a very keen observance of every little thing of the candidate. If the right candidate is chosen, it will certainly help the company from any sort of fuss in the future. The design of a simple-to-use and completely bug-free App requires the perfect hands behind it. The development unit has its hard work behind these kinds of developments.

Before commencing the hiring process, one needs to actually identify the requirements of his company, like whether you need a React native developer for a web application or a mobile app. This is equally important as it impacts development due to varying skill sets.

For the mobile application development company, a developer that is to be hired is to have some requirements like:-

  • The command must be good over HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Must be familiar with the CSS pre-processors like SASS and LESS.
  • having good knowledge of JavaScript libraries like jQuery or Backbone. js
  • Knowledge of front-end CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation is required
  • Should have good knowledge of React.js development
  • Must have a good experience in Unit Testing with React Testing Tools like Karma or Jest
  • Must know how to use JavaScript build tools like Bower, Gulp, or Grunt.

Lastly, to hire react native developer, one must see that the developer has a mixed skill set of working with both front-end and back-end technologies, including server-side technologies. If the developer has, it would be great for the company and icing to the cake if that developer is hired. Also, the developer should have a firm grasp of JavaScript and be confident in working with the third party and debugging dependency.

What Qualities Must A React Native App Developer Have?

In order to hire an app developer for your mobile application development you need to choose someone who is

  • Scalable and reliable in service
  • Who has a good understanding of developing business apps?
  • Previously served in the same domain.
  • Those who can provide innovative solutions.
  • Who is capable of communicating in a common language?
  • Who has the presence of mind related to national, international, and global matters?

Before selection, you need to visit and take out more information about them by visiting their profiles and meeting their clients for whom they have worked earlier in order to know the best of the person you would be hiring.

The Key Benefits Of App Development Using React Native

When it comes to mobile app development, there are lots of options out there. You can hire mobile app developers, using one of the many cross-platform tools out there, or do the coding yourself with HTML5 and Javascript – among other options. While each of these choices has its benefits, the real question here is – what’s the best option? In this section of this blog, we’ll look at some of the key benefits of React Native, as well as some potential drawbacks that you may want to consider before making your decision.

  • Helps in developing apps faster than recompiling.
  • Helps in reloading the app instantly
  • With hot reloading, one can run new code while retaining the application state.
  • React native combines smoothly with native components written in Objective-C, Java or Swift.
  • It is also easy to build part of the app to React Native and part of the app using the native code directly.
  • React uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and various Android apps. It’s the technology that shapes the market!

The Do’s & Dont’s While Hiring React Native App Developers

Hiring a dedicated React Native app developers is always the best choice if you want to get a good, dependable, and professional programmer to build your application. However, there are some things you need to know before making a decision. In simple terms, it would best to focus on do’s and don’ts while hiring a react native app developer.

#1. Do’s 

  • Hiring someone who has relevant knowledge about the various iPhone languages, iOS developments, and frameworks, and also about emerging technologies.
  • Hiring a developer who not only codes well but also has good experience in the field of design, testing parts of the app, and usability.
  • Selecting a developer who has great experience in the field of development and a good portfolio
  • Looking for a developer who communicates regularly and has good experience in finding the right revenue streams.
  • The developer should be able to write a clean and well-documented JavaScript code.

#2. Don’ts

  • Pricing criteria should never be prioritized over anything. This must be used as the last thing to decide on.
  • Assessing out all three extraordinary ROIs, not going only with the easy ROI. To receive efficiency one needs to evaluate all three ROIs-simple ROI, effectivity ROI, and risk Aversion ROI.
  • Never believe in selecting offshore developers who lack the required resources and documentation.
  • Do not waste time on react native development companies and candidates who have less knowledge about their domain and do not furnish your company with proper documentation.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire React Native Developer?

React Native is one of the most popular open-source frameworks for building native mobile apps using JavaScript. The popularity of React Native has increased due to its platform. It is developed by Facebook and Instagram engineers at their headquarters in Menlo Park, California. It is one of the two frameworks for developing a cross-platform mobile app.

From the cost point of view, the cost of hiring a React Native developer varies from company to company. It all depends on how much you can afford and how much time you want to spend on finding an appropriate person for the job.

However, if we go through the cost range of app development via hiring React Native mobile app developers, then it may cost you around $10,000- $40,000 for a basic version of the app. On the other hand, suppose you want to hire dedicated React native developers or hire mobile app developers on an hourly basis, then it can cost you $20-$100+ depending on the work.

Here you also need to look into the factors that affect the cost of hiring React Native app developers, which are the following:

#1. Size of Application

The size of the application or size of the app can be categorized into three, which are –

  • Small Apps
  • Medium Size Apps
  • Large Size Apps

It works like the number of sections decides the size of the app. So, whatever size, you need to spend the money accordingly to develop it. For example, large-sized apps come with complex back-end and large front-end, so more time and money is required than small or medium apps. The cost range can also go near around $70,000-$100,000 approx.

#2. Mobile App Complexity

Mobile applications’ features and functionalities decide the complexity. The backbone of any mobile app is its features that are the same applied to the React native application development.

As same as the size, the app’s complexity can also be divided into three categories –

  • low complexity
  • Medium Complexity
  • High Complexity

According to the app’s complexity, the hiring cost will be affected. You can understand it as suppose you need a very basic app with few features; then, you can hire less experienced developers at a low price. But, if you need a fully functional and feature-laden app, then the hiring will be done accordingly, and it may cost you more.

#3. Hiring or Engagement Model

The hiring or engagement model is one of the factors that affect the cost to hire dedicated developers. The engagement models can be categorized into the following:

  • Project-Based Hiring: It can be done when you know your requirements very well.
  • Time-Based Hiring: When you know how much time it will take to develop any segment of the app, you can go for time-based hiring.
  • Hire Dedicated Developers: When you are only concerned about the outcome, it does not matter to you how much time it will take to develop the app. Then it would be best to hire the developers delicately.

#4. Experience

It is a universal truth that if you need more experienced developers, then you have to pay accordingly. Hiring more experienced developers from a mobile app development company may cost you more, but the results will be better and more than expectations.

IT Solutions

Since cross-platform app development is the new trend in the market, React Native is also gaining popularity as it also has cross-platform application development. Also, most of the business is started with React Native due to its feature of flexibility.

Some of the world-famous apps like Skype, UberEATS, Instagram, Tesla, Airbnb, Tencent QQ, Walmart, SoundCloud Pulse, Baidu Mobile, etc. are built on the React Native framework. One of the main reasons for opting for this framework is that it helps in saving time, money, staff as well as resources. This technology uses some modern and traditional ways of developing hybrid apps.

Cost of Developing an App with React Native

React Native framework is one of the most cost-effective frameworks present in the market. If you want to develop a hybrid app but you have a tight budget, then you must go with this framework.

The cost of developing an app with the React native framework depends on the functions and features you are including in your app. In India, the cost of developing an app with a React native framework is around $2500 to $4300 or a maximum it will be $5000. The cost can also vary according to the experience of the developer.

If you compare this cost with other countries, then India offers the most affordable cost for app development. You can hire a developer at a very low cost for your app development. The graph shows the variation in the cost of development between various countries.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Development

Factors That Affect the Cost of Development

The functionality and features that you want to include in your app are the basic factors that affect the cost of development. Some various factors that also affect the cost of development are:-


Cost also depends on the experience of the developer you are hiring. There are so many developers in the market with a different experience. If you hire a highly skilled and experienced developer, then you have to invest a good amount. But if you are comfortable with a developer with intermediate experience, then it will cost you particularly less.

Support and Maintenance

Deployment of the app is not the end phase of the app development. The development companies also provide support to their clients all the time. For regular updates and bug fixation, you have to hire a company for some months so that the app works well in the initial phase. After that, you can hire them to provide updates only on a time-to-time basis. So the customer has to this factor also while developing an app.


If you want to develop a basic app that does not require any login credentials or authorization, then the cost estimation will be low. But if you want to add a login authorization feature in your app, then it will increase the cost as both the enterprise system development team and app development team have to make efforts in development and deployment.

Integration with Systems

This is another factor that decides the cost of app development. If you want a standalone app that can work independently without integration into your system or you want to integrate an app in your enterprise systems. Integrated apps are costlier than standalone apps as extensions, third-party APIs, and host system app modifications are included in integrating apps with your enterprise system.


Custom Add-ons also affect the cost of app development. If you are planning to launch a customer app and want to add social media add-ons in your app, then it will increase the cost of app development. In addition to this, in-app purchases are also extra add-ons.

Added Advantages of Using React Native Framework

Added Advantages of Using React Native Framework

These are some important factors that affect the development cost. But some more advantages make the React native framework the best option available for cross-platform app development.

Agile Development

The code written in the React native framework can be reused for various platforms. This reusability feature helps in saving development time for business owners. It saves time and cost of the developers. React Native framework cuts the development efforts by 50% by lessening the development cycle.

Produce Cross-Platform Applications

React Native offers cross-platform application development that operates perfectly on various platforms like iOS and Android. The app integrates some features of native apps to provide the best quality and flexible services to users. Since React Native was created by Facebook, you can rely on it for app development.

Web Project to Mobile App

React Native framework allows developers to reuse the code multiple times. The design of the app is so perceptive that the developers who are not included in the development process can also easily understand the program. It allows developers to easily transform the web program into an app.

Simplified UI

React Native framework is all about UI and UX. If you compare React Native with AngularJS, you will know that it is more like a JavaScript library than a Framework. While developing a mobile app, you need to follow a particular sequence of actions. React Native allows you to make the implementing order perfect. Also, the UI and UX design with React Native is more responsive, loads faster, and provides a smoother and more flexible experience.

Third-Party Add-on Support

Since the React Native framework is still upgrading it may lack some features in the core framework. But React Native supports the addition of third-party plugins in your app. Suppose if you want to add a navigation feature to your app, with the help of this framework you can easily integrate Google Maps into your app. Some of the most used React Native plugins are React Native Selectme, React Native Vector Icons, React Native Router Flux, React Native Gifted Spinner, React Native Modalbox, and React Native Drawer.

Transposable Architecture

Modular development is a new technique that separates the operability of the program into various interchangeable blocks called modules. This technology carries some advantages it makes the development process flexible, and developers can easily burrow each other’s projects also. The modular architecture of React Native allows the developers to easily update the application according to new technologies and platforms. The modules can also be reused with both web and mobile APIs.

Top Application Developed Using React Native

Hire React Native developer

Being the most reliable and flexible cross-platform application development framework, React Native is used by the world’s top industries. Here is a glimpse of the top application developed using React Native.


The #1 cross-platform social media application used the React Native framework for a better user experience. The app allows you to connect with friends & family and you can also post updates, photos, and videos on Facebook.


Another tech guru industry in the market that uses the React Native platform is Instagram. Similarly, like Facebook, Instagram allows users to share photos and videos and lets them connect with their friends online. There are more than one million users active on Instagram per month.

Uber Eats

The top-grossing food delivery app Uber Eats by Uber was developed using the React Native framework. The app allows you to search for local restaurants or your favorite food directly from the app and it will be delivered at your doorstep within no time.


One of the main reasons why React Native is one of the most trusted cross-platform frameworks is that Microsoft-owned Skype also uses React Native although they have their framework Xamarin. Skype allows you to communicate with your friends through messages, calls, and video calls.


The largest music streaming platform SoundCloud with more than 150 million tracks and continuously growing was developed using the React Native framework. The app allows you to stream various songs, artists, and musicians all across the world.

Some Drawbacks of React Native Framework

Some Drawbacks of React Native Framework

We have discussed the advantages and benefits of using the React Native framework for cross-platform application development, but as we know a coin has two sides. Similarly, there are some cons to the React Native framework.

More Initialization Time

One of the most important disadvantages of this framework is that it needs more time for runtime initialization. Even if you are using high-tech devices, the initial rendering requires greater time. This is due to the JavaScript thread needing time for initialization.

Lacks Security

Since React Native is an open-source framework and a JavaScript library, it lacks in security robustness. If you are developing banking and financial apps, then you have to provide extra security to your app. Choosing another framework in this condition is a piece of expert advice.

Newly Launched

Since React Native is a new technology, it is still in its improvement stage and this sometimes has a negative effect on apps. Due to this sometimes the developers are unable to understand the functionalities of the new updates. Also, the developers are required to write extra native code for app development.

React Native App Developer Cost and Salary

React Native App Developer Cost and Salary

The cost of hire React Native developers depends on the experience and location from which you are hiring. The basic cost of Freelance React Native developers varies from $80 to $100.

Freelance React Native developers

In 2024, the average salary of React developers in the US is $120,000 per year ($61.54 per hour). The starting salary of a React developer is $55,000 per year, and the most experienced React developers earn around $204,000 annually. The below table shows the salary of React developers in the US annually.

StateAverage Salary
New York$130,000


So if you want to develop an app but are tight on budget, then you must choose the React native framework for app development. These are some factors that affect cross-platform application development. Nowadays most companies and enterprises are using React Native for the swift development of apps.

If you also want to hire React Native developers for app development, contact us right now.

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