python frameworks 2022

17 Best Python Frameworks for Web Development in 2023

Python, known for its simplicity and versatility, continues to dominate the web development landscape with a wide array of frameworks. In this article, we explore the 18 best Python frameworks for web development. From the popular Django and Flask to emerging frameworks like Web2Py and Bottle, each framework brings its unique strengths and features to the table. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this comprehensive guide will help you choose the right Python framework for your web development projects.

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What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language for data science, machine learning, and web development. Coding is readability-oriented with significant indentation used throughout.

Python supports dynamic typing and garbage collection. In addition to structured and object-oriented programming paradigms, it also supports functional programming.

It includes easy syntax and powerful libraries that made it the most preferred platform.

Just like ASP.NET Web Development, Python is flexible, simple yet elegant that can help you perform a variety of tasks including developing a web app, DevOps, and data structures.

The popular brands that use python are Netflix, Instagram, Dropbox, etc. These websites demand high performance as they process millions of user requests per day. Python Web Development Solutions assists these high-loading websites to run faster and perform great. 

What are Python Frameworks?


Source: Medium

Using Python frameworks, developers can automate several tasks and build applications more efficiently. In addition to its own collection of modules and packages, each framework comes with a set of tools that make development significantly faster. There are three types of Python frameworks: full-stack, micro, and asynchronous.

The frameworks are powerful, optimized, and efficient to make the application programming a lot easier. It handles a variety of pre-built functionalities such as processing input or managing hardware and system software.

Moreover, frameworks help reduce the bugs, making it simpler to work with advanced technologies. They help automate a variety of redundant tasks and performance of basic solution and, developer gets more time to focus on the high-level functionalities and the logic instead of the general routine processes.

Python offers a wide range of frameworks and every framework has its own benefit depending on the varied needs of a project. Instead of writing the same code for every project, developers can reuse the ready-made components in the framework. You can hire python developers to save a lot of time, effort and cost of a project.

best python frameworks

Different Types of Python Web Frameworks

Python is an open-source platform and Python frameworks basically can be divided into three types:-

  1. Full-stack frameworks 
  2. Micro framework 
  3. Asynchronous frameworks

Full-stack Frameworks

It provides the basic component structure for different web solutions including frontend, backend, and database. A full-stack framework is useful for developing a comprehensive solution with lots of features.

Micro Framework

A micro-framework is a very light-weight and includes no additional features or functions. It is always recommended to use Micro-framework when you need to include huge quantities of code and extra specifications manually in your project.

Asynchronous Framework

It basically helps to manage a great range of concurrent links. It is mainly built for Python and it utilizes the Asyncio library.

17 Best Python Frameworks For Web Development

1. CherryPy


CherryPy is a Micro framework and an open-source web application framework. It supports multiple platforms. Web applications developed using this framework runs smoothly on Windows, Unix, Linux, and macOS.

The framework includes a multi-string web server, module framework, and arrangement framework.

Moreover, it allows the simultaneous operation of multiple HTTP servers and provides another encoding, reservation, and approval instruments. You can develop web applications quickly and easily using this framework, saving you a lot of time and effort.


  • Multiple HTTP servers can be run simultaneously.
  • This is a robust configuration system that can be used by both developers and deployers.
  • It is a plug-in system that is flexible.
  • The tool supports profiling, coverage, and testing.
  • You can run it on Python 2.7+, 3.5+, pypy, jython and Android

2. Pyramid


The pyramid is a Full-Stack framework and widely used Python frameworks. It aims to accomplish and build simple applications.

It is a good choice for both full and small applications that are of crucial importance in this context. In addition, there are a wide range of resources available with which you can expand its capability as per your need.

It also makes sure that access control records are created and screened. The Traversal framework of Pyramid is recommended for mapping coded URLs that allow developers to build RESTful APIs without effort.


  • A single-file application can be developed flawlessly with this tool.
  • There is the possibility of extending the configuration.
  • Authentication and authorization can be altered.

3. Sanic


Sanic is an Asynchronous and open-source python framework. The main aims of framework to provide fast HTTP responses by asynchronous request handling. It allows the use of the async and awaits syntax included in Python 3.5, which makes the code very simple, fast, and non-blocking.

Also offers an easy way to build, run, extend and scale the HTTP server. The popular brand GitHub is based on sanic Python framework.


  • The framework offers plug-in support.
  • Allows writing and reading cookies.
  • Can create different types of logging like error log and access log.

4. TurboGears

turbo gears

Turbo Gears is a data-driven full stack python framework, which is also open source. It needs very less configuration and aims to minimize the cons of other common web development frameworks.

Using Turbo Gears, developers can create data-rich web applications. It provides developers with an efficient platform to quickly build Web applications powered by data. Moreover, a single file application can be developed using this python framework.


  • Framework provides great support for multiple databases.
  • It facilitates multi-database transactions.
  • Powerful ORM.
  • Has a pluggable architecture based on the WSGI specification.
  • Has an in-built support for database sharding.

5. Quixote


The Quixote micro-framework is an open-source, flexible and one of the highly-efficient python frameworks. With Quixote, you can build efficient web-based applications.

It helps developers use traditional methods of development. Quixote is currently available in 3 major versions. Its first two versions are similar but they are not consistent. The version 3 is known as Python 3. However, many websites are widely used in versions 2 and 3 under active maintenance.


  • Helps developers to build open-source projects.
  • Uses WSGI libraries.
  • Supports Jinja 2 Templates.
  • Allows traditional web development techniques.

6. Django


Django is one of the high-level full stack python frameworks. It is free and open-source framework and it performs incredibly fast. Using Django framework, developers can work on complex codes and applications easily and seamlessly. Also, it uses creative designs to make the process of designing web applications simple.

Django is one of the most preferred and popular frameworks among python developers. It has big library portfolio and great features, such as authentication mechanism, content management, database schema migration, template engine and URL routing, etc.

Django supports multiple databases including PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, and SQLite databases. This is the reason it is deployed in high-traffic websites and social media networks.


  • Offers support for cookies, sessions, middleware, templates, etc.
  • Includes some security features such as XSS prevention, CRSF prevention, etc.
  • Works with almost all databases out there.
  • Provides great support for Geographical data and spatial queries through GeoDjango.

7. Ray


Ray is a micro framework which is useful in creating RESTful APIs, that is fast and simple to build and perfect for running distributed applications. The framework offers in-built authentication assistance and great libraries which boosts learning and the development of deep learning.

It protects HTTP techniques with shields and can run Python functions spread across multiple machines.


  • Supports Query String.
  • Acts as a shield for HTTP method.
  • It is similar to backend server operations.

8. Cubic Web


Cubic Web is an open-source, full stack Python framework. Its excellent ability to create semantic web app, makes it stands apart from the rest of the frameworks. It allows reuse the components to create web apps speedily and more effectively, with the assistance of a database and a web server connection to several cubes.

It follows the object-oriented design theory and has an RQL which is a query language. Moreover, it includes a reusable components library which helps improve efficiency and re-usability.


  • includes reusable components.
  • provides OWL and RDF Support.
  • offers multiple database support.
  • offers best security workflow.

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9. Dash


Dash is basically designed solely for analytical web app development. The web apps are compatible with cross-platform applications.

Dash web applications include two parts just like front end and back-end; one is a format that defines how the app appears and another is its functionality. ReactJS is at the front end of these apps.

It offers more personalization and helps develop Python dashboards easily including dropdowns, graphs, and sliders.


  • Basic UI low demand for Boilerplate Code.
  • Includes LDAP integration.
  • Easy to adapt.
  • Provides module Support.

10. Giotto


Giotto is a full stack python framework which is based on the model, view, and control (MVC) system. It has great features such as free RESTful GUI, automatic URL routing and Jinja2 for API HTML templates.

Moreover, it has a controller module that allows users to build apps on the command line, web, and IRC with the help of provided forum. It includes an integrated cache which supports the long-term application of codes. It allows using the codes over longer periods.


  • Automatic and in-built URL routing.
  • Comes with multiple pluggable controllers.
  • Persistence of the database can be achieved using SQLAlchemy.
  • Includes functional CRUD patterns.
  • Available the RESTful interfaces.

11. Webcore


WebCore is a nano-sized framework and is relatively smaller than other frameworks available in the market for web development. It is an easy-to-use framework which has a clean API and it has a separate model, view, and controller.


  • Easy to install.
  • Highly adaptable.
  • Ddeveloper’s friendly.
  • Relies on Webob package.

12. Web2Py


Web2Py is an open-source and adaptable python framework, that has a personal IDE which provides a one-click tool, code editor and debugger. web2py supports multiple platforms including Unix/Linux, Windows, Mac, Amazon EC2, Google App Engine, etc.

It has in-built modules to manage HTTP requests, cookies, reactions, and sessions. With the help of this framework, developers can build interactive web content and custom web applications easily.


  • Provides protection against XSS, CSRF, and other attacks.
  • It is a pleasant and consistent API.

13. Bobo


Bobo is a lightweight, micro-framework which supports WSGI and It is designed to build web app easily, seamlessly and flawlessly. Framework gives a joyful experience to the developers and allows URL mapping to objects and calls objects to create HTTP responses. Also uses the WSGI and WebOb libraries.


  • Light-weight framework for developing WSGI web applications.
  • Easy to learn and remember.
  • Includes features such as Mapping and URLs to objects.

14. Tornado


Tornado is an open-source web framework. It has a non-blocking web server and an asynchronous networking library, that has the ability to perform a variety of functions and specifically runs asynchronous processes.

Framework can manage several open connections with a non-blocking I/O network. Therefore, it is recommended for WebSockets, long polling systems, and web applications, which need a long-lasting link for every user.

Additionally, it has an integrated HTTP server which allows the application to be served. It helps developers to develop high-performance and effective applications.


  • Provides extensive support for localization and translation.
  • Offers web templating techniques.
  • Provides real-time services
  • Ensures effective results.

15. Vibora


Vibora is another popular python framework. It is specifically designed for productivity and includes various libraries, Jinja2, WebSockets, and Marshmallow. It is a very fast framework compared to other usual fameworks, and twice as fast as Sanic.


  • Includes Auto Reloading.
  • Provides HTTP2 Support.
  • Supports Brotli (Server/Client).
  • It has cython compiled templates.

16. Bottle


It is one of Python’s most frequently used micro web frameworks to build web apps. that has one standard Python library and a single file module. Framework allows developers to work closer to their hardware. Bottle is mainly recommended for building simple and personal applications.


  • No external dependencies.
  • Supports forms, headers, cookies, and file uploads.
  • It has in-built web server which can be replaced easily.

17. Growler


Growler is inspired by Node.js and Express and it was written using the asyncio library.  It is specifically designed to build complex web applications. Supports a wide range of open-source packages. Codes are clearly defined and function decorators are used.  


  • It makes use of decorators to be able to write reusable and effective code.
  • Ziapp model is included to zip the application into a single executable file.
  • Various open-source packages are supported.


Final Thoughts

Now when we have discussed the major python frameworks with clarity and simplicity, you must have got developed the understanding of the Python framework and its features and can choose the most suitable for your project.

However, if you still unsure about choosing a framework, Python Web Development Company can help you choose the right framework to build an impressive and outstanding web app.

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